Kwila is a high quality, strong and very durable hardwood, predominately used for decking, outdoor furniture and high-quality interior finishings.
Botanical name: Intsia
Other names: Merbau
Source location: Papua New Guinea, Indonesia
Stability: Very Stable
Durability in ground: Durable
Durability above ground: Very Durable
Density: Approx 900 kg/m3 (approx at 15% MC)
Dimensions: Available as wide as 300mm and large section sizes for beams and posts up to 300 x 200mm.
Appearance: The colour ranges from mid to dark brown with soluble yellow fleck running consistently through the radial surface.
Grades: Knot free
Uses: Boat building, flooring, exterior decking, indoor and outdoor furniture, windowsills and joinery.
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