NZ Oregon is easily identified by the prominence of growth ring bands between the early and latewood, as well its pale pinkish coloured heartwood and near-white sapwood. It is popular for timber framing, posts, beams, fencing, weatherboard and pergolas.
Botanical name: Psudotsuga menziesii
Other names: Douglas Fir
Source location: South Island of New Zealand
Stability: Stable
Durability in ground: Moderately Durable (U/T)
Durability above ground: Durable (U/T)
Density: Approx 450 kg/m3 (approx at 12% MC)
Dimensions: We stock most sizes
Appearance: Heartwood is a pale pinkish brown and the sapwood is near-white.
Grades: Stress grade, general utility grades
Uses: Weatherboards, light timber framing, fencing, exposed post, beam construction and pergolas.
We can freight to most depots New Zealand wide. With our products and our carriers offering competitive rates, we can compete on price. Get in touch for a quote sales@kenneallytimber.co.nz.